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Finally, Steven's new book, Therapy For Therapists (a guide to changing lives), is out and available on Amazon, and Barnes and Noble. In it, he exposes the main flaw inherent in every therapist's education. This flaw leads even good therapists to struggle to change lives, which is why clients, after leaving therapy, retain little of what they thought they'd learned.
The flaw? Schools teach therapists to imitate the famous therapists, rather than to be themselves. Ironically, the famous therapists became famous because they were not imitating others, but rather, being themselves. This same thing applies to clients. Becoming their authentic selves Is the real change.
Is there a life you'd love to change? Then this book is for you.
Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Amazon UKThe Science of Discovery
(why do scientists so rarely make breakthroughs)
Everything scientists do is intended to lead to discoveries. No coincidence, we reward scientists who make meaningful discoveries with things like the Nobel Prize. Clearly, discoveries are the universal holy grail of science. Yet strangely, close to 100% of scientific efforts fail to discover anything. Why? And why does no one ever mention this?
This book will claim the problem lies not with scientists but rather, with their method. And in the opening chapters, this book will describe a method which guarantees discoveries every time out. This method will then get applied to everything from sleep problems and weight loss issues to the nature of deafness, cancer, meditation, and learning the times tables.
How do these ventures turn out? Prepare to be amazed.
Softcover ($24.95)Also in eBook ($9.99) at:
Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Amazon UK
Why Don't The Changes We Make Last?
Have you been trying to change yourself? As I'm sure you know by now, it's hard to do. In truth, most people's efforts eventually fail, no matter hard they try. The good news? There is a way to change yourself which lasts for life. Here, I'm referring to the events we know as "ahas."
Permanent changes? Can you imagine? How valuable would this be to you? Know that teaching you how make these changes is the entire point and purpose of this site. For you to be able to do this though, you'll first need to see your own nature. This is why we tend to talk a lot about things like personality, consciousness, talk therapy, and the mind. As well as the things which prevent us from being conscious, like addictions and learning disabilities.
Does this sound too good to be true? Then know I admire you. You're also in good company. Skeptics are the very best students. Indeed, if you want to have these ahas, you must learn first to ask more questions. This includes questioning what you find on our site. In the end though, we believe that like us, you'll fall in love with changing your life—one aha at a time.
Why hasn't science been studying ahas? Mainly, because science ridicules anything which won't fit into square, dry holes filled with logic and statistics. Science sees anyone who trusts the messy roundness of human nature as a fool or worse, a pseudo-scientist. Moreover since ahas never repeat the same way twice—and since science's proof of truth is reliable repetitions—ahas get treated similarly to the placebo effect, as annoyingly unexplainable anomalies. Indeed, since science has no way to explain these events, it simply punishes into silence or obscurity anyone who takes these things seriously.
What makes us think science knows more than we do? Just one thing. Statistics and logic are like fast food for the mind—and science offers the kind of fast-food type answers we crave. Sadly even when we know these answers are flawed, we still defer to good old science. We do this because we crave ways to predict suffering—and science claims they can predict it.
Realize I'm no different than you. I too crave these answers. And despite all the criticism I've just leveled at science, I still love science. What I don't love is the emperor's-new-clothes practices people try to pass off as science. Indeed, for years I believed that conventional science could answer most things. Unfortunately when you look closer, most of their searches for answers fail. So despite their claims, science can't explain some of the simplest things, like why breakthroughs occur so infrequently in talk therapy. Or why we fail to retain most of what we're taught. Or why it's so hard to forgive.
They also can't explain why most diets fail. Or why we get addicted to things. Or why relationships, especially romantic ones, are so hard. Most of all though, they can't explain why their method fails more than 99% of the time. Do you know? Would you like to?
Finding scientific answers to questions like these is a big part of what we do here. To do this, we've invented two new maths—Logical Geometry (the math of discovery) and Tipping-Point Math (the math of real world measurement). By combining these maths, we've also discovered a new scientific method. Here discoveries are guaranteed, and results translate to the real world.
Already this method has led to a new personality theory, a new talk therapy based on this theory, and myriad discoveries in and around everything from addictions and the autism spectrum to the nature of sleep, weight loss, learning, and the structure of the mind. And the discoveries keep coming.
Know that most of the ingredients we've used to find these answers have existed for thousands of years. People have been talking about ahas for as long as they've been talking. On this site though, we prefer to refer to these experiences by their scientific term; emergences. And while it's true—nothing is new under the sun—in a very real way, we could call ourselves world class chefs in that we use already known ingredients to invent new recipes for understanding the world.
What you won't find on this site is blame. Why not? Because nothing kills peoples' chances to heal, learn, grow and love more than blame. And while we do pose provocative questions, we do not fault people for their lack of answers. So yes, we do see people as responsible for admitting and righting their wrongs. We just don't see how blaming people, including scientists, makes the world any better.
Is this your first visit? Know that most people, on their first visit, feel overwhelmed. Too many topics. Too many long articles. And way too much to learn in anything like a single visit. The thing is, if you treat our site like a big-thick-encyclopedia of secrets and mysteries (and if you honor yourself and go only at your heart's own pace), then in time, we're sure you'll see beauty in things you thought had no beauty. Including in the people you currently struggle to like the most.
Know also that we are currently in the process of revising the whole site. Our goal is to present our discoveries in a more accessible form. Eventually we hope to make everything "selectively visual," meaning no more book-length articles. You'll select only the part you are currently reading. The rest will be hidden away.
Our Mission
The word "emergence" means many things to many people. To us it refers to a change in the very nature of a person, place, or thing. More important, this change cannot have been predicted prior to it emerging.
"Hydrogen and Oxygen are both gases. Yet when joined in just the right way, a new quality emerges. Wetness .
Our course, our interest lies in how human beings can make these changes in themselves, especially changes which result in healing, learning, and learning to love. And since emergent changes are always permanent, the healing, learning, and love which emerges remains for life.
Our mission is to explore the many ways humans can benefit from knowing this. In talk therapies. In classrooms and education. In the arts and sciences. In families and especially, for children.
The Center for Emergence
55 Old Nyack Tpke Suite 608
Nanuet, NY 10954
(845) 627-7404