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How Personality Gets Wounded

How Wounding Affects Personal Consciousness

how wounds affect consciousness

"Information First" Injury

What you see above is a visual representation of how injury affects personal consciousness. What is important to see right from the start is the order in which we experience the loses. In this diagram, we first lose "what" (information), then we lose "when" (time), and finally then we lose "why" (meaning.)

Is this the only order in which we lose personal consciousness?

No, actually there is a second sequence which you'll find diagrammed at the end of this page. In that diagram, we first lose "when" (time), then we lose "what" (information), and finally then we lose "why" (meaning.)

These are the two sequences in which we lose personal consciousness.

What makes these two sequences so important?

Because many therapies, especially the cognitive behavior therapies currently in favor, attempt to heal by altering peoples' sense of what the loss meant, the "why" it happened.

Can exploring the "why" open the doors to healing?

Sometimes. More often though, all that happens is wounded people, believing they have found the cause of their pain, feel better. Temporarily, anyway.

Why temporarily? Because it is the other two parts of consciousness; the "what" and "when"; which create the meaning and not visa versa.

So what makes knowing the sequence in which we get wounded so important?

Because you can't critic a movie you can't see. Translation. Therapists, and those they try to help, frequently spend much of their sessions critiquing scenes they have yet to consciously witness.

Why can't they consciously witness these scenes?

Because they are blocked.

How so?

Because the nature of human injury is such that people the worst part of every injury gets blocked from the screen of the person's mind. By this, I mean, they can not picture the actual moment of injury happening.

Oh, they may be able to see some of the painful stuff right before this moment. And they may be able to see some of the painful aftermath. But the actual moment of injury is always blocked.

This means therapists frequently have people talk about what they can not see on the screens of their minds, and you can not consciously witness what you can not picture internally. Period.

What does this mean about most talk therapy then?

It means that while most talk therapy is supportive in nature, it does not heal. Except by accident. And even then, rarely.

Isn't this just the way therapy is, that it just takes a long time?

In a sense, no. So while love is love, and we all need support and nurturing, support and nurturing doesn't heal except serendipitously.

Comfort? Yes.

Heal? No.

So what heals?

For the answer, you'll have to go to the next page.

"Time First" Injury
