The Four Gender Identities
Finally we have the fourth prism of personality, the Gender Identity prism. In this prism, everything we need to do gets a final spin put on it before it emerges out into the world at large. The four Gender Identity possibilities are:
- The need to Physically make what we give or get Precise, Correct, Digressed, or Blunt.
- The need to Psychologically make what we give or get Precise, Correct, Digressed, or Blunt.
- The need to Socially make what we give or get Precise, Correct, Digressed, or Blunt.
- The need to Sexually make what we give or get Precise, Correct, Digressed, or Blunt.
Here again, we see four possible colors. But because this is the last prism before our personality emerges in the world of others, each possibility has two faces. The original face as in being connected to our mothers; the way we live out our intimate two-that-are-one relationship, and the secondary face as in being connected to all others; the way we live out our casual two-that-are-one relationships.
Examples would be, if your Gender Identity starts with being Physically Assertive (physically yang), you will take up a lot of physical space wherever you go. Thus you will make a good policeman, fireman, solder, and construction worker. And if your Gender Identity begins with being Psychologically Receptive (psychologically yin), your conscious pattern will be to receive and even seek the ideas of others, making you a good ear for friends or for your partner.
Know that like the four Social Priorities, there are 24 possible Gender Identity fractal patterns, each varying in intensity in an ongoing way. Unlike the Four Social Priorities though, because this prism is the gateway which connects us to the world of others, each possible Gender Identity has two possible states, the assertive (yang) state and the receptive state (yin), as well as two possible stages, Internal, as in who you are in family type relationships, and External, as in who you are in friend type relationships.
Here the word "family" refers to the relationship you had to the parent whose Character Type begins in the opposite place to yours (our Internal private relationships), and the word "friend" refers to the relationship you had to the parent whose Character Type begins in the same place as yours (our External public relationships).
Mathematically? We have four raw possibilities, each taken four at a time. But we also have the two stages on which these Identities occur, the family and friend states, as well as the conscious and unconscious possibilities. Thus we have the permutation of 8 things taken 8 at a time, times 2. This means there are 40,320 possible fractal Gender Identity patterns each of which has two stages for a total of 80,640 possibilities.
Now if you multiply this total by the preceding 3 prism's possibilities, you'll end up with a heck of a lot of fractal patterns with which to precisely represent human nature. Something like 1,486,356,480 basic fractal possibilities. Not bad for a simple pattern of four nested groups each of which has four patterns.
Are you beginning to see how amazing fractal patterns really are? More so when we nest then one inside the other. This then is how Layer 7 can contain our entire core personality, our basic self before it gets dimmed and inhibited by the middle and outer layers.
This is also why consciously experiencing Layer 7 gives us the best possible chance to learn from our suffering. But only if we can be unashamed of those times wherein we feel like babies.
Quite a gift to give ourselves and others, don't you think?
Have any questions now? Me thinks you had better :-) .
As always, I'm here for you if you need assistance.